The Racial Laws and the Jewish Community of Rome. 1938-1945, edited by Manola Ida Venzo e Bice Migliau, Viaggi nella memoria, n.4., Roma, ASR-ASCER-Gangemi editore, 2007
S. H. Antonucci, War, Nazi Occupation and Deportation in Rome, in The Racial Laws and the Jewish Community of Rome. 1938-1945, edited by Manola Ida Venzo e Bice Migliau, Viaggi nella memoria, n.4., Roma, ASR-ASCER-Gangemi editore, 2007, pp. 37-40
S. H. Antonucci, G. Spizzichino, Daily life during the Racial Laws and the Nazi Occupation: Testimonies, in The Racial Laws and the Jewish Community of Rome. 1938-1945, edited by Manola Ida Venzo e Bice Migliau, Viaggi nella memoria, n.4., Roma, ASR-ASCER-Gangemi Editore, 2007, pp. 33-36
C. Procaccia, The Roman Jews from the Emancipation to the Racial Laws. Economic and Social Aspects, in The Racial Laws and the Jewish Community of Rome. 1938-1945, edited by Manola Ida Venzo e Bice Migliau, Viaggi nella memoria, n.4., Roma, ASR-ASCER-Gangemi Editore, 2007, pp. 29-32
05 Antonucci Daily life during the Racial Laws 2007
05 Antonucci Spizzichino Daily life during the Racial Laws 2007
05 Procaccia The Roman Jews from the Emancipation to the Racial Laws 2007